Why Operation Dole Whip?

If you are a fan of Once Upon A Time on ABC like me, you know that Henry and Emma name each of their missions beginning with “operation”. So when choosing a name for our blog, including Operation was a given. The latter had to be what that operation was dedicated to finding or discovering. Wikipedia defines a Dole Whip as a “pineapple soft serve, dairy-free frozen desert”, once sold exclusively at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, Disney’s Polynesian Resort, and at Dole’s processing plants in Hawaii. At only 80 calories, and possibly the most delicious treat ever, it seems as good a mission as any.

The fact that you can only get this tasty cup of frozen magic at the previously named places (this fact is false, you can get pineapple soft serve elsewhere, but I choose to ignore that) has only increased the allure of it. You see, the Dole Whip is somewhat of an urban legend, folk lore if you may. It’s mystical powers have been said to keep all who consume it’s refreshing tropical goodness forever young. Further research has shown that one alone will not achieve eternal youth. They must be consumed on a regular basis and in the presence of music, magic and frolicking about in lands of adventure and fantasy while being sprinkled in pixie dust.

So enough about the simple fact that a Dole Whip is pure bliss. That alone is good enough reason to name a blog about moving to Disney after. Operation Dole Whip has been the name of our family facebook since 2013. The deeper, hidden meaning is why we are all here right now reading as I ramble on about soft serve. The overwhelming desire and series of events required to attain Dole Whip enlightenment, or moving to Disney. Simply put, it is a mission or “operation” to get to Disney and eat lots and lots of Dole Whips!

Just in case the point of this post was lost along the way, which I would judge you for if it wasn’t, here it is. A Disney Dole Whip is a socially exceptable reason to uproot your entire life and move across the country in order to be in a living situation that allows you to consume them on a regular basis. Dole Whips are that good. Some people follow a job or boyfriend across the country. We follow frozen pineapple treats.