Preparing for Your Move

If you have been following along, you know that we are in the process of moving to Florida. Making the decision to move can be easier than preparing for your move. It is very important to prepare so your move will be less stressful. We’ve talked about the importance of doing your research before you move. But having a successful moving experience also depends on how much you prepare and organize beforehand.

We are organizing and declutter divas. Rarely does a month go by that we aren’t purging our closets or making another trip to the donation site. While we do not consider ourselves to be minimalists, we definitely like to keep things simple. If you are planning a move to Florida, or to anywhere for that matter, get started early on your planning. Don’t wait till the moving truck is in the driveway!

Where To Start

You just have to start. Plain and simple. Pick a room and start to sort. We divide belongings into 4 categories and no more. Keep it simple.

  1. Keep: Deciding what to keep is easy. Be careful though. Before you know it, that will be your only pile. Ask yourself if you use the item. If you haven’t used it in a year, you probably won’t.
  2. Sell: Cash is King and if an item has value, consider listing it on a selling platform. Who can’t use extra money during a move? Having a garage sale is a great way to get rid of unwanted items and make some cash.
  3. Donate: Gently used items can be donated to your local Goodwill or thrift shop. It always feels good to give and you will get a tax deduction. We keep a donation bin in our mudroom at all times so we always have a place for unwanted things.
  4. Trash/recycle: Some things just aren’t worth keeping, selling or giving away. Make sure you dispose of items properly.

Trust The Process

I broke my leg in high school and was in a cast for several weeks. Once they cut off the cast, I kept it and put it on a shelf in my room. Why am I telling you this? Because the process of simplifying your life is both terrifying and rewarding. As humans, we become very attached to our dinglehoppers and thingamabobs. They remind us of special moments and we view many as prized possessions. The key is to find a balance between living life and living with things. This isn’t just about preparing for a move. It is about developing a healthy relationship with our belongings. Be kind to yourself and allow the process to guide you, but not force you. If you need to, declutter your home in stages, getting rid of a little bit at a time. Each time you will feel more confident in your decision to let things go.

Mistakes To Avoid

Would it surprise you to find out there is a wrong way to declutter? Many people make these five common mistakes when organizing their home for a move.

  1. Don’t take on too much at once: Pick a targeted spot and start there. Working on one small section at a time will prevent you from having unfinished projects all over your house. Again, we stress the importance of giving yourself enough time.
  2. Don’t declutter just to declutter: There is emotional high that comes with purging items from your space. You might find yourself getting rid of something you should have kept. Eventually you will have to purchase the item again.
  3. Don’t rely too much on methods: There are so many methods on the right way to declutter and organize. No one method is one size fits all. Pull ideas from videos and blogs and formulate your own path. Figure out what works best for you and apply those strategies.
  4. Don’t become overly sentimental: Try not to construct a sentimental meaning or emotional connection to every item. Especially if the item isn’t actually sentimental. If you have an item of clothing you wore to a special event but it doesn’t fit anymore, don’t keep it. Obviously there are exceptions to this; a wedding dress, baby’s baptism gown.
  5. Don’t let decluttered items stay in your space: Sometimes we start to have second thoughts if we keep an item in our space. Make trips to donation sites often. If something sticks around too long, you might take the item back. Rarely will you make the wrong choice to declutter an item.

A Fresh Start

I won a giant, oversized stuffed cow at a fair one time. It barely fit in my car but I took it to college with me….and then to the next five places I lived. Finally, after I was married and had two children, I got rid of it. More than anything, remember that this move is a fresh start. This is a chance to begin again and do it right. Really think about what items you want to fill your new space with. We all have those items that keep following us from home to home. Nothing is more depressing than dragging unwanted things from one home to the next. If you didn’t use it before, it is unlikely you are going to use it now. Be like Queen Elsa and just let it go!

Hopefully we have given you a few pointers to get you started in the process. How much stuff you have, how long you have lived in your current home and aspects of your new home will all affect how much time you will need to prepare. Remember, it is never too early to start and most of us could use a good declutter anyway. Just don’t wait till the moving truck is pulling into the driveway to get organized. Watch for our next post on preparing for your move. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all of the updates.