Keeping Cool at Walt Disney World

Summertime in Florida can be downright miserable. The temperatures can reach triple digits with the humidity. If you live in Florida, you avoid going outdoors as much as possible in the Summer. You go from your air conditioned home to your air conditioned car to your air conditioned job or store….you get it. Very few locals venture out to the parks unless it is in the evening when the sun has gone down. But if you’ve planned a family vacation to Walt Disney World during the Summer months, you won’t be able to avoid the heat in the parks. Even the biggest Disney World fan can feel less than “magical” in this type of heat. There are things you can do to help make your time in the parks a little cooler. Here are our best tips for keeping cool at Walt Disney World:

#1- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! In heat that comes with Florida Summers, it is easy to become dehydrated very quickly. You have to stay ahead of it and hydrate frequently. Push water on your family when waiting in lines or sitting down for a quick break. You can bring water bottles into the park as it can be expensive once inside. One of our favorite insulated water bottles is the Stainless Steel MIRA. In case you forget to bring your own, the nearest counter service location at any Disney theme park will give you a cup of ice water. For free!

#2- Take advantage of air conditioned attractions or shopping. You can walk the entire left side of Main Street USA through the Emporium. You get a break from the heat and can do some shopping along the way. Attractions like Carousel of Progress, Peter Pans Flight and so many others offer an escape from the heat while enjoying favorite rides. Try to ride attractions that have long outdoor queues in the early morning or evening hours.

#3- Get science on your side with cooling towels. These are great to keep you cooled down as you walk outside. Just wet, wring and wrap around neck or use to pat face and arms. There are so many options in many different price ranges. We are big fans of Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad Cooling Towels and Chill Pal PVA Cooling Towels. We have several of each that we throw in our park bag before we head out into the heat.

#4- Take a break! Heading back to your resort during the hottest part of the day (12-3) is one of our favorite tips. Nothing saves you from a meltdown like a trip back to your resort for a pool break or a nap in the air conditioned room. You will feel refreshed and ready for an evening at the park. This style of planning will put you in the parks during the morning hours when it is cooler and you can get more done. Then you are back again as the evening brings more comfortable weather and you have a new outlook. There is also something magical about the parks at night. The air is cooler and the rides have a different feel. Everything is more magical, with all the pretty lights and lower crowds.

#5- Enjoy a cold snack or beverage. Eating Disney snacks is always a good thing, and when it comes with a cool down, why not? Ice cream treats and cold coffees are a perfect idea. And of course, while you are in line for those snacks, don’t forget those cups of ice water! It’s a win-win when you get a quick break, a cool snack and a recharge. Can you say Dole Whip?

#6- Misting bottles and personal fans are a must have in the parks. We suggest purchasing them before your trip as they can be expensive in the parks. The personal fans can be clipped on to strollers to keep little ones comfortable. Fill the mister bottle half full and put in the resort freezer overnight. Fill up before you head to the park and refill at fountains around the parks. The cool water on your skin feels great and cools you down. Remember to pack extra batteries unless yours is rechargeable like ours:

#7- Umbrellas are great to keep the intense sun away. Even though the heat will still exist, keeping the scorching sun off your head and body can provide a lot of relief, especially in standby lines that extend outdoors. We suggest compact umbrellas that are easier to carry in your bag. Full size umbrellas can be cumbersome. Since it rains almost daily, you’ll have an umbrella already available!

#8- Make a splash! There are several options available in the parks. Rides like Splash Mountain and Kali River Rapids guarantee you’ll get wet. There are splash pad areas in the parks where kids can take a break and play. Misting stations can be found in areas all over the parks and offer a cool down while standing in lines.

#9- Hit the water parks! Blizzard Beach and Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon are a great option that offer all day water fun. Hit one up in the morning or after a half day at a park. They are affordable and can be added to your park hopper ticket.

#10- Take it slow. Trying to do too much can wear you out. Plan your days with breaks and at a slower pace that allows for some downtime. Don’t put too much pressure on your vacation. You won’t be able to do it all in one trip and it won’t feel like a vacation if you’re racing from one end of the park to the other. Pace yourself and be prepared for the unexpected.

So, while you are planning your vacation in the comfort of your home, remember the reality of the heat and crowds that go along with a Summer vacation to Walt Disney World. One of the most important questions is: will your family be able to tolerate that heat during those hottest months in Florida? Make sure you are prepared for the heat and have a plan that allows for the unforeseen. With a little extra planning and an itinerary that accommodates your family’s needs, you can have a truly magical time.